things i've been working on (spiritually and crafty)
so working with a bunch of unbelievers tends to take a tole on you no matter the situation, especially at work however. stress relievers are studying the Word, reading more books, sitting outside and sewing.
consistent reminders are pertaining to living a Son focused life, keeping Him as number One in my life, not number Fifty-five. Rick Holland had a sermon series he taught called "Uneclipsing the Son". He took the sermon notes and made a book with them, which takes about the same time as listening, but more focus, something i need right now.
although i had been slacking, the months of June/July came with a need to get some inventory for a craft fair. Mom and i worked for several weeks to get ready, this is one of my samples. Headbands and slim credit card wallets took over my life for a while, and it was probably a good thing. i needed something to keep my hands busy while listening to those sermons. :)
books: Uneclipsing the Son- Rick Holland,
Twelve Extraordinary Women- John MacArthur,
websites/ time wasters: Pintrest, Facebook, PS I made,
Cooking: Grilled Chicken & Corn on the cob, Roasted Tomatoes and Cheese, Bloomin' Bread, Breakfast cups,
Verses Memorizing: Ps 16.8-9, Ps 19.14
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