
ponderings for the quarter..... James.

wow. so things never stop, only continue to add up and progress and end....including what i am learning in the Word.
thursday biblestudies are super great.... James is AMAZING!!!! but to take these things that i am learning is really hard. application can be the hardest thing to ever do. i don't know why......

notes from James 1:19-22
Receiving the Word

1) Quick to hear.
2) Slow to speak

3) Slow to anger
4) Put away all evil
5) Doer of the Word

Notes from James 1:23-27
Characteristics of doers.
1) know what should be corrected.
2) Take action and fix errors.
3) Working to keep unstained from the world.

these are the things i am working on this week/ month/ year. constant rededication and revival in my mind and spirit everyday is needed sometimes/most, in order to have what is needed in my life to walk the right way, the straight and narrow.... the long and weary thin foot trail that leads to eternal glory.....

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